Stitches & Smiles from Libore

Stitches & Smiles from Libore

Field partner Pencils for Kids has just returned from Niger, West Africa where they helped OSM spread some monkey magic to the young women of  Libore. Sock Monkey delegates created by youth craftivists in the GTA were given to girls training to be seamstresses at the Cooper Sewing School, an education and resource centre providing vital vocational training for Nigerien youth. This delegation...

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P4K Monkey Mission to Niger

P4K Monkey Mission to Niger

OSM partner Pencils for Kids departs for the community of Libore, Niger today on a mission of hope, healing and love. It has been a challenging year for the people of Libore,  having experienced massive flooding in August which displaced thousands of families who lost their homes and crops. P4K was able to rally support for the flood victims in an emergency fund raising campaign in September to...

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Childrens Day at Salaam Balaak Trust

Childrens Day at Salaam Balaak Trust

In India, Children’s Day is celebrated on November 14, the birthday of the country’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. Nehru emphasized the importance of giving love and affection to children, who he saw as the bright future of India. All over the country, various cultural & social institutions hold festivities for children. Children’s Day is seen as a day for the kids...

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Hoopla @ Humberside Collegiate

Hoopla @ Humberside Collegiate

Monkey high-5’s and woolly bananas are going out to Operatives Julie Zhang and Katrina Darcel of Toronto. These muchachas have demonstrated extreme craftivism and global citizenship, working their tails off  to raise money and awareness for OSM in their community.   Earlier this year, Julie & Kat worked together to prep materials and facilitate a sock monkey workshop for their...

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Workshop @ Calgary Girls School

Workshop @ Calgary Girls School

On June 5 2012, the wonderful young women of Calgary Girls School participated in sock monkey workshop to create delegates for OSM’s upcoming mission to Delhi with L.I.B. International. The sock monkeys created by CGS students will help to bring smiles and build storytelling skills for primary school children living in Delhi slums.The sock monkeys will be distributed through a summer...

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