Having a Hoot with Sock Owls

Having a Hoot with Sock Owls

SOCK OWLS have taken Vancouver by storm this spring. Lead Operative Kat Thorsen came up with the pattern to work around time constraints presented by community workshops and as an adapted craft that is easier to tackle than a sock monkey, but equally fun. These charming little sock owls are wonderful for creating dialogue around the craft table and a testament to the healing power of...

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Operative Profile- Diana Brugos

Operative Profile- Diana Brugos

Diana came on the scene in late 2012. Referred to the project by Mary Breen (crafty muchacha and owner of Wise Daughters Craft Market in the Junction,) Diana literally jumped into role the of Lead Operative in Toronto, feet first! In the 5 months since she came on board she has been an absolute dynamo- raising awareness for the project, recruiting new operatives, selling OSM goodies at craft...

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Workshop @ Calgary Girls School

Workshop @ Calgary Girls School

On June 5 2012, the wonderful young women of Calgary Girls School participated in sock monkey workshop to create delegates for OSM’s upcoming mission to Delhi with L.I.B. International. The sock monkeys created by CGS students will help to bring smiles and build storytelling skills for primary school children living in Delhi slums.The sock monkeys will be distributed through a summer...

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