Stitches & Smiles at Shanti Camp

Stitches & Smiles at Shanti Camp

Operative Diana Brugos spent 4 days in March at Bal Shiksha Kendra Centre, an educational resource centre in rural NCT Delhi, India. Diana lead sock monkey training with students and their families,  bringing stitches, smiles and employable skills training to women and children living in Shanti Camp slum.   The socks for the workshops were donated by Canadian sock manufacturer McGregor...

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Operative Diana goes to Nepal

Operative Diana goes to Nepal

OSM Operative Extraordinaire Diana Brugos departed on a mission of love and learning this week. She’s headed to Nepal where she will bring sock monkeys made by community and student groups in the GTA to be given to Prisoners Assistance Nepal, an organization that provides homes and schooling for children with incarcerated parents who would otherwise grow up in prison Diana will also  be...

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