बंदर मुस्कान Monkey Smiles

We’re all packed up and ready to go! These Delhi-bound delegates are eagerly anticipating their mission: to bring learning, love and laughter to children living in poverty in Delhi slums. Thinking caps were first on the delegate list of things to pack as these sock monkeys will be going to school with children ages 6-15 and participating in  fun games & craft activities to provide arts enrichment in education.

OSM Delegates will also provide the inspiration & instruction for sewing trainees who will learn the art of sock monkey and other sock species in a series of workshops presented by OSM. The socks for the workshops were generously provided by project sponsor McGregor Socks and the budget for the rest of the materials & supplies was raised through  sock monkey sponsorships. Thank you to all the sponsors for your generous support of this project.


And last but NOT least- the delegates for this mission were mostly made by Operatives from the great, big , city of Toronto!  Thanks  T.O.  And thanks students from Fern Ave P.S. &  Fieldstone Day School in Toronto, Vaughan Secondary and the Township of West Lincoln and individual operatives Jeff & Vicki Cane, Tricia Piasecki,  Carol B, Sabryna E, and Sarah M for your amazing contribution to this project. And one big shout out to  Elaine Helen Myhre from Watertown MA for the fabulous ‘Yanez wee lovies she donated. Your sock monkey skills are superior, Elaine!

Also shoutin’ out Heather Hild , Sameera Mehra and the rest of the of L.I.B. International team who invited OSM along on this wonderful adventure. Can’t wait to work together and make some monkey smiles.



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