Operative Profile: Carol Barrett

Carol first connected with OSM  when she responded to a Call for Monkeys to go on expedition to South Africa in Spring of 2009. A sock monkey enthusiast and crafty chica about town, she rounded up a bakers dozen of OSM delegates  and dropped them off at OSM HQ in the bat of an eyelash. Her donation made up the majority  of the 2009 delegation and were ambassadors of love & hope for caregivers and children in the Ufafa Valley, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa.


She then began to teach sock monkey workshops in her neighborhood, teaming up with Mary Breen at Wise Daughters in the Junction to bring OSM to Toronto’s funky West Side.  An experienced sock monkey maker and expert teacher, Carol has facilitated more than a dozen community and school workshops in her time with OSM, donated countless hours of her time and talent to the intitative and created dozens of delightful sock monkeys to send to children in need around the world.

Carol is a true craftivist, giving warmly of herself in the service of others. When she is not nursing , caring for neighbors pets or volunteering with Toronto’s Street Knit project, she is working behind the scenes at CIUT FM or mothering her two boys. Her commitment to OSM and her support and encouragement have been inspiring and  invaluable in the recent development of the project. Thanks, Carol!


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